Premium Application Service

Guaranteed New Zealand university offer

Applying to a New Zealand university can be time-consuming and challenging for an international student. That is why the Premium University Application Service does the hard work for you, guaranteeing you a place at a university or college in New Zealand.

From completing your application forms to professionally editing your statement of purpose, your dedicated consultant will make sure that your application is the best it can be. Once your application is submitted and tracked by ourselves, we will guarantee you at least one offer from a New Zealand university, or you will receive your money back!

What is included?

Premium Application Service

Guarantee your university place

If you are interested in learning more, arrange a free consultation with SI-New Zealand today.

Study in New Zealand Blog

"SI-New Zealand helped me successfully apply to study business in New Zealand and I cannot thank them enough for their support. They assisted me with each step, ensuring I was aware of all my options in terms of program and university selection, making the process totally stress free."

Isabella Ramos Business and Management

Isabella Ramos

Leading Universities in New Zealand