Film Studies Courses in New Zealand

Studying Film Studies in New Zealand

A Film Studies degree looks at the theoretical, historical and critical approaches to film and explores the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic, and political implications of cinema. The course covers Hollywood, independent and experimental cinema.

Students can select from a number of core modules, including script writing, film curation and contemporary Hollywood cinema. Students learn about the roles of audience, directors, actors, producers and scriptwriters. Work placements are encouraged to further develop your skills in real-life scenarios.

Film Studies Careers

Film Studies graduates find work as film or video producers, editors and researchers. They work in film marketing and PR, media production, publishing, filmmaking, events management and local and community broadcasting. Work experience during degree years counts post-completion of degree due to the highly competitive job market scenario.

Film Studies Entry Requirements

Entry requirements vary for each New Zealand university, but students will need an IELTS score of 6.5 overall, no lower than 5.5 in each component, and an International Baccalaureate score of 33 points.

Study Film Studies in New Zealand

If you are interested in studying a Film Studies course at a New Zealand university, arrange your free consultation with SI-New Zealand today.

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