Studying Marketing in New Zealand

Introduction to marketing courses in New Zealand

Marketing facilitates dealing with unique and challenging issues across a constantly shifting business landscape. Studying marketing at a New Zealand university will allow students to build contacts and gain transferable skills across different business sectors. Marketing degrees in New Zealand focus on planning, pricing, analyzing trends, advertising, and promotion.

Modules covered include e-business management, digital marketing, strategic brand management, and understanding consumers. Many marketing courses at universities in New Zealand offer work placements for students to gain experience in marketing and many degrees can also be studied as joint honors alongside other subjects of interest.

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Types of Marketing Degrees

In New Zealand, marketing course is available in certificate, diploma, postgraduate diploma, and postgraduate. However, the curriculum and course duration may vary depending on the university applying for.

Diploma in Marketing

A diploma in marketing falls under the Level 5 education system of New Zealand. The course's main objective is to ensure that students are equipped with marketing insights, such as brand management, product design and development, and the influence of buyers' behavior. The curriculum covers business environments, business fundamentals, marketing principles, and relationship marketing. At the end of the course, students will learn how to implement and execute marketing strategies that can enrich and anticipate customer experience. 

Bachelor’s in Marketing

A bachelor’s in marketing is an undergraduate degree that helps you grow beyond the entry-level roles. It aims to enhance your critical and analytical thinking skills by implementing marketing strategies as an applied science. Students can learn about the insights of the business world and provide solutions to help companies thrive. The marketing courses in the New Zealand curriculum include topics such as marketing principles, consumer behavior, omnichannel retail marketing and customer intelligence.

Master’s in Marketing

A master’s in marketing is a postgraduate qualification designed to help students build careers in the fast-paced business world. Students will learn to use advanced marketing technologies and accelerate their careers in the competitive job market. To pursue a master’s degree in marketing, students can opt for specializations, such as global management and marketing, professional marketing, and product innovation.

Doctorate in Marketing

By pursuing a doctorate marketing degree in New Zealand, students can access a high-caliber research community with an opportunity to publish papers and attend international conferences and seminars to grow their network and community in the industry. Students can work on research projects and topics, such as consumer experience in the digital environment, the marketing-entrepreneurship interface, the development of brand meaning, etc. 


To ease the financial burden of studying in New Zealand, various scholarships and grants are available for students.


Offered by

Award value

Otago International Excellence Scholarship

University of Otago


McEwan Pacific Student Scholarship 

Massey University


University of Auckland International Business Masters Scholarship

University of Auckland


180-credit Taught Master’s Merit Scholarship

Lincoln University


University of Waikato International Excellence Scholarship

University of Waikato

$10,000 - $20,000

Jobs and Careers

New Zealand marketing degrees are globally recognized, allowing graduates to earn higher than their peers in many other countries. The average pay scale of a marketing manager in New Zealand is $ 100,000 annually. However, the average salary for entry-level positions starts from $53,600, while the experienced earns around $174,000.


Here are popular marketing jobs and the average pay scale of each designation. 

Job Profile

Average Pay scale

Marketing Assistant


Marketing Manager


Investment Analyst


Operations Manager


Marketing Consultant


Top Universities for Marketing Courses in New Zealand

To learn more about marketing courses in New Zealand, find details on New Zealand universities that provide marketing courses below

Study Marketing in New Zealand

If you want to study marketing in New Zealand, arrange a free consultation with SI-New Zealand today.

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Marketing Courses in New Zealand FAQ

What are the benefits of studying marketing in New Zealand?

New Zealand offers a world-class education system with lower tuition fees, multiple scholarships, work-while-you-study opportunities, and more. Thus, students pursuing a marketing degree in NZ will learn to conduct market research and gain insights into the business world. 

Is New Zealand expensive to study?

The cost of studying in New Zealand depends on various factors, such as the university chosen, courses,  accommodation, food, transportation, and personal expenses. However, most international students find New Zealand more affordable than other countries.





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